Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hilariously Funny ~ #Spotlight on Travis Casey

I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about the importance of receiving critiques and how important my critique partners are to me from (cannot recommend this site enough). I thought it would be fun to introduce them to you all over the next several weeks and let you get a little sample of writing from these talented people.

Travis Casey
Today, I would like to introduce you to Travis Casey. Funny is not the word to describe this man! He has two books written in a trilogy he is working on (of which I was lucky enough to read them both as he wrote them!) and is working toward publication. One way or another, I know he is going to get published. Part of me hopes he goes self-pub so I can get the book faster! Seriously, I would sit and read the chapters in his book and laugh so hard my kids would always ask me what the heck I was doing. Sometimes, I'd have to wipe laugh tears away before I could answer. Good stuff here. Hopefully I can entice Travis to do an author interview when his first book comes out.

While we're waiting for the book, Travis has some articles published at In the humor section, out of 30 articles, his is rated #1 (not that I'm terribly surprised by that).  For a good laugh, check it out at You can also check out his author bio and the other articles he has published there by clicking on Travis' name at the end of the article.

Also, Travis has some great stuff on his blog (which he hasn't written anything new on in a while, but maybe he will soon *crosses fingers* though, in fairness I would rather urge him to write more books for me to read).  You can see more of his sense of humor and what you'll be getting yourself into when you read his books. One story is my absolute favorite on his blog at If you read nothing else, this is the one - Haircut? But I don't speak Chinese.

Trust me, you'll laugh! As soon as Travis' book is published, I'll be letting you all know. Laughter is the best medicine, and Travis delivers a lot of it!

Have a great week! Thanks for reading!

~ Chantel

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