Title: Forbidden Trouble (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy Book 3)
Author: Travis Casey
Genre: Romance/Adult Humor
My rating: 5 stars
Powerful women are his weakness. Trouble is his strength
Tyler Chambers doesn't have to look for trouble, it finds him. He is not happy when his assignment is switched from living a carefree life sailing around the South Pacific to working in a stressful environment in the cold, wet climate of Scotland.
The last thing he wants is responsibility, but his efforts to avoid it wind up impressing his boss, Naval officer Darcy Novak - and she does not impress easily. Tyler is seduced by her position of power and changes his tactics, aching for her attention.
As she gives him more responsibility, the relationship edges to being more than just professional. But they must fight their feelings as their personal affection for one another is forbidden by Navy regulations.
Quality Assurance Inspector and co-worker Charlotte Kemp doesn't have the same code of ethics and uses her professional power for her own personal pleasure. When her lust goes too far, Tyler's world is thrown into chaos, forcing him into some tough choices and a web of lies.
Wanting the wrong woman turns out to be more trouble than Tyler bargained for. His work life fixing submarines is hectic, but he must also fight forbidden desires while shunning a man eater.
My Review:
Wonderful conclusion to Tyler's Trouble Trilogy. I have to admit, I'm going to really miss Tyler and all the trouble he gets himself into. I have loved this series throughout, eagerly reading each book as quickly as possible. Tyler is on point with his usual antics in this book, but he also has some unique challenges and finally a leading lady to give him a run for his money. Will Tyler finally settle down or is he forever destined to be the drunken sailor who makes us laugh?And laugh I did. This last book in the series had some of the funniest scenes of all! I loved the dynamics and humor between Tyler and his fellow shipmates, especially the women. It was also great to see the more tender side of Tyler as he interacts with sexy Darcy Novak and struggles to be a man worthy of her attentions. Another great book by Travis Casey! I'm sad to see Tyler's story come to an end, but I'm anxious to see what Travis Casey has in store for us next!
Although this is the finale of the trilogy, I believe it could be read as a stand alone without too much confusion. That said, I highly recommend Travis' first two books as well. If you are into adult/naughty humor, a bad boy with trouble to spare, and want to experience a romance story from a male writer's point of view, I'd pick this one up! Another fantastic book!
Happy reading! Have a great week!!
~~ Chantel ~~
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