Title: Lost Avalon: A Finding Nolan Novel
Author: K.S. Thomas
Release date: July 22, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance
My rating: 5 stars!
Fame, fortune and a future paved with rock and roll gold. Blaise Nolan has it all. With his brooding good looks, haunting voice and troubled lyrics of a soul gone lost, it's no wonder Finding Nolan has been climbing the music charts with back to back hits. Only Blaise didn't wind up brooding, haunted and lost by accident...
Avalon Jennison has been the girl next door since she was five. The best friend since she was eight. The band manager since she was sixteen and the keeper of his secrets always. Ava's been there every step of the way, helping him live his dreams and keeping his nightmares at bay. But the years of putting Blaise's needs above her own are about to be over.
However, Blaise has one secret even Ava doesn't know..and it could be the thing that breaks her heart completely, or finally puts it back together.
Buy it on Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Avalon-Finding-Nolan-Novel-ebook/dp/B00M1U9OYK
Another winner for me and a real page turner! Ava and Blaise have so much to overcome and deal with throughout the book, and I rooted for them to work things out and for Blaise to defeat his problems. Mostly, I wanted to see Ava get the love she deserved and realize how much she really did deserve it. She's such a great character. I loved her attitude and the way she views things, but she also let herself be taken advantage of so much. She gave too much of herself, and I hoped she'd learn to stand up for what she needed.
Blaise fighting his demons and the troubles that come along with that seemed so realistic that I worried the hurts he had could ever be healed. There were parts that were so tough, mixed with the sweetness and romance. I really wanted him to figure this all out and go after what really mattered to him.
K.S. Thomas' skills improve with each novel she writes. I loved this story and look forward to her next book!
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