Title: A Father For Christmas
Author: Rachelle Ayala
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!
This story will warm your heart and make you believe in goodness again. All Bree wants is a daddy, and when Santa promises her one for Christmas, she is determined to find one. Her mom, Kelly, doesn’t think they need a man in their family, and she isn’t anxious to get into a relationship. Bring in Tyler, a damaged veteran who saw more than he could handle in the war, and watch the sparks fly.
Bree captured my heart, making me root for her to get her Christmas wish, even though I could understand Kelly’s hesitations and fears looking at it from the standpoint of a mother. Tyler is a great hero, despite his problems, and his sweetness and charitable nature melted my heart.
A great story that embodies the spirit of Christmas and the hope for second chances and true love.
Bree captured my heart, making me root for her to get her Christmas wish, even though I could understand Kelly’s hesitations and fears looking at it from the standpoint of a mother. Tyler is a great hero, despite his problems, and his sweetness and charitable nature melted my heart.
A great story that embodies the spirit of Christmas and the hope for second chances and true love.
Get A Father for Christmas here in the Romancing Christmas Boxed Set for 99c only [Limited Time Offer]
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To read reviews for the other stories in this great set, visit Rachelle Ayala's blog
This is a wonderful review -- well-deserved! I love second-chance-at-love stories. I'm very happy that my novella is one of the stories (along with "A Father For Christmas") included in the ROMANCING CHRISTMAS boxed set. :-) I'm in great company!